ice cream

National Ice Cream Month, Day 18

Day 18, Earlier in the day, I was at a coffee shop in Fremont when a little birdie flitted onto my table.

Aww! Look at him perched up on my screen. He’s so fearless.
He hopped over, closer to me. So sweet. Does he want a little pet? Can I pet him? Do birds have rabies?
So that’s the kind of day I was having when I moseyed over to D’Ambrosio Gelateria in Ballard. The couple in line next to me got one cone and said, “we’ll share that,” so I’m pretty sure they haven’t farted in front of each other yet.
After sampling a few flavors, I selected Sicilian Pistachio and Caramel Fig.


These flavors are AMAZING. I’ve never had such a good pistachio thing, and I’m including actual pistachios in that.